[knjiznica-eventuse] program, izjasnite se

Irena Martinovic irmartin at ffzg.hr
Fri Sep 28 08:02:18 CEST 2018

Ovo je super!! Bravo! :-)
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Petra Kos 
  To: Elvira Gotal 
  Cc: eventuse at mjesec.ffzg.hr 
  Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2018 5:20 PM
  Subject: Re: [knjiznica-eventuse] program, izjasnite se

  Drage cure, evo sklepala sam "vizuale". Javite danas do 19 ako što treba popravit ili dodat. Program, plakat i infografika se printaju sutra.

  On Thu, 27 Sep 2018 at 14:29, Elvira Gotal <egotal at ffzg.hr> wrote:


    please, izjasnite se, dopunite ako kaj treba........


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