[Koha-cug] lista

snejk at inbox.com snejk at inbox.com
Sat Jan 30 22:37:22 CET 2010

dakle, slijedio sam ove upute http://saturn.ffzg.hr/koha-cug/index.cgi?marc_bibliographic_framework

ali, nakon sto odem na framework test dobivam 1 error

OK  	itemnum : the field itemnumber is mapped to a field in tab -1
item fields 	ALL items fields MUST :

    * be mapped to the same tag,
    * and they must all be in the 10 (items) tab

OK 	Only 1 MARC tag mapped to items
OK 	biblioitems.itemtype defined
OK 	homebranch defined
OK 	holdingbranch defined
OK 	at least 1 item type defined
OK 	at least 1 branch defined
OK 	biblionumber and biblioitemnumber mapped correctly
OK 	no NULL value in frameworkcode
OK 	all subfields for each tag are in the same tab (or ignored)
OK 	all authority types used in the frameworks are defined
TOTAL 	You have 1 error(s) in your MARC configuration. Please fix them before using Koha

imam problem sa item fields, iako sam pratio svaki korak po uputama...moze kakva pomoc? TIA!

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