[Koha-cug] lista

Marijana Glavica mglavica at ffzg.hr
Sun Jan 31 15:50:37 CET 2010

On Sat, Jan 30, 2010 at 10:37 PM,  <snejk at inbox.com> wrote:
> dakle, slijedio sam ove upute http://saturn.ffzg.hr/koha-cug/index.cgi?marc_bibliographic_framework
> ali, nakon sto odem na framework test dobivam 1 error
> OK      itemnum : the field itemnumber is mapped to a field in tab -1
> item fields     ALL items fields MUST :
>    * be mapped to the same tag,
>    * and they must all be in the 10 (items) tab
> OK      Only 1 MARC tag mapped to items
> OK      biblioitems.itemtype defined
> OK      homebranch defined
> OK      holdingbranch defined
> OK      at least 1 item type defined
> OK      at least 1 branch defined
> OK      biblionumber and biblioitemnumber mapped correctly
> OK      no NULL value in frameworkcode
> OK      all subfields for each tag are in the same tab (or ignored)
> OK      all authority types used in the frameworks are defined
> TOTAL   You have 1 error(s) in your MARC configuration. Please fix them before using Koha
> imam problem sa item fields, iako sam pratio svaki korak po uputama...moze kakva pomoc? TIA!

probaj ovo:

mysql> select tagfield , tagsubfield, tab, frameworkcode , kohafield
from marc_subfield_structure where kohafield like 'items%' ;

to ce pokazati u koja MARC polja (tagfield) i potpolja (tagsubfield)
su mapirana polja iz items tablice, za svaki framework


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