[Koha-cug] Fwd: [Koha-devel] Koha 3.2.0 released

Marijana Glavica mglavica at ffzg.hr
Fri Oct 22 09:04:40 CEST 2010

Ako netko jos ne cita Koha listu.....
sto svima jako preporucam, barem pratiti naslove... vrlo razlicite teme se
provlace kroz listu - od konkretnih pitanja i odgovora, do vaznih lekcija o
tome kako funkcionira free software community.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Galen Charlton <gmcharlt at gmail.com>
Date: Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 8:49 AM
Subject: [Koha-devel] Koha 3.2.0 released
To: Koha list <koha at lists.katipo.co.nz>, koha-devel at lists.koha-community.org


I am pleased to announce the release of Koha 3.2.0.  The package can
be retrieved from:


You can use the following checksum and signature files to verify the


Here are the release notes:

RELEASE NOTES FOR KOHA 3.2.0 - 22 October 2010

Koha is the first free and open source software library automation package
(ILS). Development is sponsored by libraries of varying types and sizes,
volunteers, and support companies from around the world.
The website for the Koha project is


Koha 3.2.0 can be downloaded from:


Installation instructions can be found at:


Koha 3.2.0 is a major feature release.

New features in 3.2.0

   * The acquisitions module is significantly revamped:
     * Support for hierarchical funds and budgets
     * Budget planning by calendar and item type
     * Vendor contract periods
     * Generation of PDF purchase orders
     * Ability to place orders on a batch of bibliographic
       records imported into the catalog from a file or Z39.50 search

   * Significant usability enhancements to the system preferences
   * Granular permissions are now always on; the GranularPermissions
     system preference is consequently removed
   * Many additional granular permissions are added

   * Bulk item editing
   * Revamped inventory/stock-taking
   * Ability to export bibliographic information in CSV format
     from the staff cart
   * New quick spine label print button
   * Support for temporary location and in-process item statuses
   * Usability enhancements to cataloging workflow:
     * Can now choose whether to edit items after saving a bib record
     * Option to move an item from one bib to another
     * Option to delete all items attached to a bib
     * Ability to clone an item
     * View bib in OPAC link from the staff interface
   * Ability to merge duplicate bibliographic record from the staff
     lists interface

   * Ability to define library transfer limits
   * Email checkout slips
   * Option to enable alert sounds during checkin and checkout
   * Improvements in Koha's ability to express circulation policies
     * Option to charge fines using suspension days instead of money
     * Hold policies are now on the library/itemtype/categorycode level
   * Renewal policies are now on the library/itemtype/categorycode level
   * Ability to specify an expiration date for a hold request
     when placing it via the staff interface or OPAC
   * Daily batch job to cancel expired holds
   * Improvements to the interface to change the priority of hold
     requests for a bib in the staff interface
   * New messaging system for patron records, allowing an unlimited
     number of patron notes to be stored and managed
   * Changes to web-based self checkout
       * Ability to login in automatically to self-check, allowing
         for unattended self-check stations
       * Ability to display the patron image in self-check

   * Numerous enhancements to the bib display XML templates
   * Per-patron OPAC search history, with ability for patrons
     to manage the retention of their search history
   * Support for Syndetics, LibraryThing, and Babeltheque enhanced
   * Support for RIS and BibTeX export
   * Bib details page includes which lists a bib belongs to
   * Can now customize the 'search for this title in' links
   * Preference to control whether patrons can change their
     details in the OPAC
   * OPAC icon set provided by vokal

   * Guided reports can now take runtime parameters
   * Can now edit SQL reports

   * Can now specify the subscription end date, library location,
     and grace periods
   * Option to automatically place hold requests for members of a
     serials routing list
   * Numerous bugfixes

   * The cart has been added to the staff interface
   * Staff can add items to lists in bulk from search results
   * Enhanced patron card and item label creator
   * Support for XSLT templates in the staff bib details display
   * Bib details page includes which lists a bib belongs to

   * Integration with SOPAC, including support for various
     web services defined by the ILS-DI recommendation
   * Support for CAS single sign-on
   * Improvements to OAI-PMH support

   * New initialization SQL files for German, Italian, and Polish
   * Revamped UNIMARC framework for English

   * Koha is now packaged for Debian Squeeze; installation of Koha
     can now be as simple as apt-get install koha
   * Improvements to the management of required Perl modules
   * Improvements to test case coverage
   * Substantial progress on enabling the warnings pragma in all of
     Koha's Perl code

   * Approximately 1,050 tracked bugs and enhancement requests
     are addressed in this release

System Preferences

The following system preferences are new in 3.2.0:

   * AcqCreateItem
   * AllowAllMessageDeletion
   * AllowHoldDateInFuture
   * AllowHoldPolicyOverride
   * AutoSelfCheckAllowed
   * AutoSelfCheckID
   * AutoSelfCheckPass
   * BranchTransferLimitsType
   * Babeltheque
   * casAuthentication
   * casLogout
   * casServerUrl
   * ceilingDueDate
   * CurrencyFormat
   * DisplayClearScreenButton
   * DisplayMultiPlaceHold
   * DisplayOPACiconsXSLT
   * EnableOpacSearchHistory
   * FilterBeforeOverdueReport
   * HidePatronName
   * ILS-DI
   * ILS-DI:AuthorizedIPs
   * ImageLimit
   * InProcessingToShelvingCart
   * intranetbookbag
   * LibraryThingForLibrariesEnabled
   * LibraryThingForLibrariesID
   * LibraryThingForLibrariesTabbedView
   * NewItemsDefaultLocation
   * numReturnedItemsToShow
   * OAI-PMH:ConfFile
   * OpacAddMastheadLibraryPulldown
   * OPACAllowHoldDateInFuture
   * OPACAmazonReviews
   * OPACDisplayRequestPriority
   * OPACFineNoRenewals
   * OPACFinesTab
   * OPACPatronDetails
   * OPACSearchForTitleIn
   * opacSerialDefaultTab
   * OPACSerialIssueDisplayCount
   * OPACShowCheckoutName
   * OrderPdfFormat
   * OverdueNoticeBcc
   * OverduesBlockCirc
   * PrintNoticesMaxLines
   * ReturnToShelvingCart
   * RoutingListAddReserves
   * ShowPatronImageInWebBasedSelfCheck
   * soundon
   * SpineLabelAutoPrint
   * SpineLabelFormat
   * SpineLabelShowPrintOnBibDetails
   * StaffSerialIssueDisplayCount
   * SyndeticsAuthorNotes
   * SyndeticsAwards
   * SyndeticsClientCode
   * SyndeticsCoverImages
   * SyndeticsCoverImageSize
   * SyndeticsEditions
   * SyndeticsEnabled
   * SyndeticsExcerpt
   * SyndeticsReviews
   * SyndeticsSeries
   * SyndeticsSummary
   * SyndeticsTOC
   * UseBranchTransferLimits

System requirements

   Changes since 3.0:

   * The minimum version of Perl required is now 5.8.8.
   * There are a number of new Perl module dependencies.
     Run ./koha_perl_deps.pl -u -m to get a list of
     any new modules to install during upgrade.


The structure of the acquisitions tables have changed significantly
from 3.0.x.  In particular, the budget hierarchy is quite different.
During an upgrade, a new database table is created called fundmapping
that contains a record of how budgets were mapped.  It is strongly
recommended that users of Koha 3.0.x acquisitions carefully review
the results of the upgrade before resuming ordering in Koha 3.2.0.


As of Koha 3.2, the Koha manual is now maintained in DocBook.  The
home page for Koha documentation is


As of the date of these release notes, several translations of the
Koha manual are available:

English: http://koha-community.org/documentation/3-2-manual/
Spanish: http://koha-community.org/documentation/3-2-manual-es/
French:  http://koha-community.org/documentation/3-2-manual-fr/

The Git repository for the Koha manual can be found at



Complete or near-complete translations of the OPAC and staff
interface are available in this release for the following languages:

 * Chinese
 * Danish
 * English (New Zealand)
 * English (USA)
 * French (France)
 * French (Canada)
 * German
 * Greek
 * Hindi
 * Italian
 * Norwegian
 * Portuguese
 * Spanish
 * Turkish

Partial translations are available for various other languages.

The Koha team welcomes additional translations; please see


for information about translating Koha, and join the koha-translate
list to volunteer:


The most up-to-date translations can be found at:


Release Team

The release team for Koha 3.2 is

Release Manager:        Galen Charlton <gmcharlt at gmail.com>
Documentation Manager:  Nicole Engard <nengard at gmail.com>
Translation Manager:    Chris Cormack <chris at bigallofwax.co.nz>
Release Maintainer (3.0.x):
                       Henri-Damien Laurent <
henridamien.laurent at biblibre.com>
Release Maintainer (3.2.x):
                       Chris Nighswonger <cnighswonger at foundations.edu>


We thank the following libraries who are known to have sponsored
new features in Koha 3.2:

 * Aix-Marseille Universities, France
 * BrailleNet (http://www.braillenet.org/)
 * BULAC, France (www.bulac.fr)
 * East Brunswick Public Library, East Brunswick, New Jersey, USA
 * Foundations Bible College & Seminary, Dunn, North Carolina, USA
 * Hochschule für Jüdische Studien, Heidelberg, Germany (www.hfjseu)
   - XSLT changes to display 880 fields
 * Howard County Library, Maryland, USA (http://www.hclibrary.org/)
 * MassCat, Massachussetts, USA
 * Middletown Township Public Library, Middletown, New Jersey, USA
 * New York University Health Sciences Library, New York, USA
 * Northeast Kansas Library System, Kansas, USA
 * Plano Independent School District, Plano, Texas, USA
 * SAN Ouest Provence, France
 * vokal (Vermont Association of Koha Automated Libraries),
   Vermont, USA
 * www.digital-loom.com

We thank the following individuals who contributed patches to
Koha 3.2.0.

 * Alex Arnaud
 * Allen Reinmeyer
 * Amit Gupta
 * Andrei V. Toutoukine
 * Andrew Chilton
 * Andrew Elwell
 * Andrew Moore
 * Brendan A. Gallagher
 * Brian Harrington
 * Chris Catalfo
 * Chris Cormack
 * Chris Nighswonger
 * Christopher Hyde
 * Cindy Murdock Ames
 * Clay Fouts
 * Colin Campbell
 * Cory Jaeger
 * Daniel Sweeney
 * Danny Bouman
 * Darrell Ulm
 * David Birmingham
 * David Goldfein
 * Donovan Jones
 * D. Ruth Bavousett
 * Eric Olsen
 * Frédéric Demains
 * Galen Charlton
 * Garry Collum
 * Henri-Damien Laurent
 * Ian Walls
 * James Winter
 * Jane Wagner
 * Jared Camins-Esakov
 * Jean-André Santoni
 * Jesse Weaver
 * Joe Atzberger
 * John Beppu
 * John Soros
 * Joshua Ferraro
 * Katrin Fischer
 * Koustubha Kale
 * Kyle M Hall
 * Lars Wirzenius
 * Liz Rea
 * Magnus Enger
 * Marc Chantreux
 * Marcel de Rooy
 * Mason James
 * Matthew Hunt
 * Matthias Meusburger
 * Michael Hafen
 * MJ Ray
 * Nahuel Angelinetti
 * Nicolas Morin
 * Nicole Engard
 * Owen Leonard
 * Paul Poulain
 * Piotr Wejman
 * Ricardo Dias Marques
 * Rick Welykochy
 * Robin Sheat
 * Ryan Higgins
 * Savitra Sirohi
 * Sébastien Hinderer
 * Srdjan Jankovic
 * Stan Brinkerhoff
 * Stephen Edwards
 * Vincent Danjean
 * Will Stokes
 * Wolfgang Heymans
 * Zeno Tajoli

We regret any omissions.  If a contributor has been inadvertantly missed,
please send patch against these release notes to
koha-patches at lists.koha-community.org.

Revision control notes

The Koha project uses Git for version control.  The current development
version of Koha can be retrieved by checking out the master branch of


The branch for Koha 3.2.x (i.e., this version of Koha and future bugfix
releases) is 3.2.x.

The next major feature release of Koha will be Koha 3.4.0.

Bugs and feature requests

Bug reports and feature requests can be filed at the Koha bug
tracker at


Naku te rourou, nau te rourou, ka ora ai te iwi.


Galen Charlton
gmcharlt at gmail.com
Koha-devel mailing list
Koha-devel at lists.koha-community.org

Marijana Glavica
Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Knjiznica / Faculty of Humanities and Social
Sciences Library
I. Lucica 3, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
++38516002393 :: mglavica at ffzg.hr :: http://knjiznica.ffzg.hr/
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