[Koha] Fw: MARC Organization Code

Marijana Glavica mglavica at ffzg.hr
Thu Jun 19 00:09:31 CEST 2008

ti si Dorja predlozila Zg, jel?
treba javiti u NSK da smo dobili kod.


On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 11:33:24AM +0200, Dorja Mucnjak wrote:
> vidim da je ipak Za, a ne Zg za Zagreb,
> Lijepi pozdrav s jednodnevnog godišnjeg!
> d.
> > Brzi su.
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Elizabeth S Timms" <elti at loc.gov>
> > To: <imihel at ffzg.hr>
> > Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2008 8:58 PM
> > Subject: MARC Organization Code
> >
> >
> >
> > Ivan Mihel:
> >
> > The newly-assigned MARC organization code you requested is:
> >
> > HR-ZaFF for Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu
> >
> >
> > ***************************************************************
> >
> >
> > MARC organization codes are assigned for use in Machine-Readable
> > Cataloging (MARC) records in fields 003 (Control Number
> > Identifier), 040 (Cataloging Source), and 852 (Location).  These
> > MARC fields require a code to identify whose control number
> > is in the record, who created/input the cataloging information,
> > and who holds a copy of the item described in the bibliographic
> > record.  Some library systems can generate your organization code
> > in these MARC fields automatically if you were able to supply
> > the code to the system during installation.  The MARC code in
> > field 003 can be changed if your MARC records are ever moved
> > to another organization's library system.  The MARC codes in
> > field 040 subfield $a (Original cataloging agency) and subfield
> > $c (Transcribing agency) should not.  If after a MARC record has
> > been created some other organization makes a change to it, their
> > MARC code is put in field 040 subfield $d (Modifying agency).
> > You may have occasion to put your own MARC code in field 040
> > subfield $d as well, if you modify your own record.
> >
> > Each organization code assigned is unique whether it is
> > recorded using all uppercase letters, all lowercase letters,
> > or a combination, as may be exemplified in your code(s).  We
> > recommend you record your code(s) using the same style letters
> > (upper or lower case) as given in this confirmation message.
> >
> > Each new code and information about the organization it represents
> > will be published in the next edition of "MARC Code List for
> > Organizations".  This information will be available online after
> > the next update to the MARC Organization Code database which
> > is available at:
> >
> > http://www.loc.gov/marc/organizations/
> >
> > The database is refreshed weekly to add new codes.
> > Any questions about code assignments or names/addresses should be
> > referred to the Network Development and MARC Standards Office
> > (contact information given below).
> >
> > --------------------------------------------------
> > Elizabeth S. Timms
> > Program Management Assistant
> > Network Development & MARC Standards Office
> > Library of Congress
> > Washington, D.C.  20540
> > voice:  202-707-6237
> > email:  elti at loc.gov
> > Fax:     202-707-0115
> > --------------------------------------------------
> > Ideas and opinions expressed in this communication
> > are personal and do not necessarily reflect the
> > position of the Library of Congress.
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Koha mailing list
> > Koha at mjesec.ffzg.hr
> > http://mjesec.ffzg.hr/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/koha
> >
> _______________________________________________
> Koha mailing list
> Koha at mjesec.ffzg.hr
> http://mjesec.ffzg.hr/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/koha

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