[Serscida-wp6] FW: 288985 - SERSCIDA - Acknowledgement of Receipt of submitted deliverable Dissemination meeting report

Lejla Somun-Krupalija lsk at hrc.unsa.ba
Mon Jun 30 19:04:22 CEST 2014

Dear colleagues,


The Deliverable 6.2 has also been submitted. I am sorry I was not able to share it with you for comments earlier, but the whole work around the Interim payment took more time than I had anticipated. If we, indeed, manage to resubmit all deliverables in their final versions I will seek your comments and suggestions.


All the best,




From: European Commission [mailto:no-reply at ec.europa.eu] 
Sent: Monday, June 30, 2014 6:54 PM
Subject: 288985 - SERSCIDA - Acknowledgement of Receipt of submitted deliverable Dissemination meeting report


Europa / Research / Participant Portal notification



European Commission 
Research and Innovation DG 

Subject: 288985 - SERSCIDA - Acknowledgment of Receipt (Dissemination meeting report) 

Dear Coordinator, 

Thank you for submitting a scientific deliverable for the project 288985 - SERSCIDA. 

Your scientific deliverable (Dissemination meeting report) has been received by the European Commission - Research and Innovation DG. 
Please note that this acknowledgement of receipt does not imply that your deliverable is complete or accepted. 
Where appropriate, you will be contacted in due course by your contact person(s) in the European Commission - Research and Innovation DG. 

The submitted deliverable has been registered as document Ares(2014)2161767. 

This Acknowledgement of Receipt has been registered as document Ares(2014)2161769. 

Yours sincerely, 
European Commission - Research and Innovation DG 

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