[Serscida-wp6] new list for dissemination (WP6)

Marijana Glavica mglavica at ffzg.hr
Tue May 6 15:18:05 CEST 2014


here is our new mailing list - serscida-wp6 at mjesec.ffzg.hr

The memebers are for now:
abmartinovic at ien.bg.ac.rs
aleksandar.zdravkovic at ien.bg.ac.rs
alen at irb.hr
beedh at essex.ac.uk
bojana.tasic at fors.unil.ch
ilze.lace at gu.se
irena.vipavc at fdv.uni-lj.si
lsk at hrc.unsa.ba
mglavica at ffzg.hr
nk at hrc.unsa.ba
sm at hrc.unsa.ba

Please let me know if anybody else should be included.


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