[Serscida-wp6] 2nd attendee from ONS

Marijana Glavica mglavica at ffzg.hr
Thu May 8 15:41:51 CEST 2014

Dear Hilay and all,

Today, Saša and me aldready contacted addiontional hotels for accomodation. 
There will be 8 more rooms in Astra Garni, and more rooms in Hotel Italy. I 
think it is best if UK guests stay in Astra Garni because Hilary and Louise 
adredy booked the hotel there.

I am making arangements with both hotels rigt now, and I will let you know 
what (if anything) you will have to do. But is seems that we will be able to
make official reservations for all, so probably you will just have to 
send names (probably to me) during the next week.


On Thu, May 08, 2014 at 12:56:07PM +0000, Beedham, Hilary M wrote:
> could a room also be reserved for Martin Stringfellow, also from ONS?
> I'm chasing confirmation of the ESRCs attendee and will let you know ASAP.
> Hilary
>  Sent from my iPad
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