[Serscida-wp6] Accommodation and travel details for Swedish representatives in Sarajevo

Ilze Lace ilze.lace at gu.se
Fri May 9 15:04:36 CEST 2014

Dear Marijana,
Dear Lejla,

I can now update the accommodation and travel information for some of Swedish participants:

1)      Daniela Andrén (lecturer, Örebro University School of Business) will arrive on 28.05. and leave on 31.05.

2)      Iris Alfredsson (Assistant Director, SND) will arrive in 28.05. and leave on 31.05.

3)      Daniel Knezevic (Project manager, SND) will arrive in 28.05. and leave on 31.05.

4)      Ilze Lace (Data Manager in Social Sciences, SND) will arrive on 27.05. and leave on 31.05. (but as this day is again out of the ordinary arrivals, if it causes problems, I can try to arrange accommodation for me on my own).
As for the fifth person, I still have no confirmation yet (and thus no additional information) which I hope to have early on Monday (12.05.) morning.

Best regards,

Datasamordnare för samhällsvetenskap
Svensk Nationell Datatjänst ( Swedish National Data Service)
Besöksadress: Bohusgatan 15 Göteborg
Box 330, 405 30 Göteborg
ilze.lace at snd.gu.se<mailto:ilze.lace at snd.gu.se>

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