[Serscida-wp6] Sarajevo Dissemination Meeting participants

Marijana Glavica mglavica at ffzg.hr
Wed May 14 16:25:36 CEST 2014

Dear Hilary, 

I also have bad news regarding our representative from Croatian
Science Foundation. He cancelled. So I guess nothing special from ESRC is
needed. Thank you for your good will, as always.

You will be accommodated in Hotel Sarajevo, as you wish, but please don't 
cancel your rooms jet, because we will probably need these rooms for 
other participants. We will solve it by the end of this week and than 
cancel if needed (probably ask you to cancel because I am not sure 
if we will be able to do it in your name).


On Wed, May 14, 2014 at 12:22:58PM +0000, Beedham, Hilary M wrote:
> Dear Marijana,
> I now have the list of UK attendees which is, unfortunately shorter than anticipated because I have now heard that the expected attendee from the ESRC is unable to join us.  They have, however, asked whether they would like us to prepare any information for me to bring to the meeting. Perhaps you could think about this and let me know.
> I will arrive on Tuesday evening, 27th, flight arrival time, 21.25 p.m. and will depart on Friday, 30th at 16.15.  
> Louise will arrive on Wednesday and should be in time for dinner (Sue will advise if this is incorrect) and will leave on Friday 30th at 16.15 (same flight out as me).
> Martin Stringfellow, ONS expects to arrive mid-afternoon on Wednesday 28th (time to be confirmed) and will depart on Friday, early afternoon. Martin has also kindly offered to give a presentation for the 'Data Archives/Services and Policy Level Issues' round table.
> We would all like to stay with the main party at the Hotel Sarajevo (single rooms). Could you let us know as soon as possible that we have reservations at this hotel so that we can free up reservations made elsewhere?
> Best wishes,
> Hilary
> -----Original Message-----
> From: serscida-wp6-bounces at mjesec.ffzg.hr [mailto:serscida-wp6-bounces at mjesec.ffzg.hr] On Behalf Of Marijana Glavica
> Sent: 12 May 2014 13:23
> To: serscida-wp6 at mjesec.ffzg.hr
> Subject: [Serscida-wp6] Sarajevo Dissemination Meeting participants
> Dear all,
> here is the link to Google Spreadsheet with the list of participants:
> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuwaTLhtpf8SdDZpOGRzR2xXWVh2cW1hTmtOV2lkeWc&usp=sharing
> I did'nt suggest the hotel accomodaton for participants as I announced, so please feel free to fill in your preferences.
> It is important and URGENT to fill in your Arrival and Departure dates, because for now hotel rooms are reserved just for two days.
> Best,
> Marijana
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