[Serscida-wp6] SERSCIDA panellist from Sweden

Ilze Lace ilze.lace at gu.se
Thu May 15 10:48:13 CEST 2014

Dear Lejla,
Dear Sasa,

We were discussing the round table discussions planned for the conference with Daniela Andrén, the Swedish representative from Örebro University. We came to agreement that her experiences would be most valuable if shared in the round table on "Data Archives/Services and Policy Level Issues", as she has been working with related issues in Sweden. Would it be possible to include her in the roundtable discussion on "Data Archives/Services and Policy Level Issues"? She also kindly agreed to give a panel presentation on in the round table, and we think it is a good idea.

I was wondering, when do you plan to circulate the ppt template (mentioned in the draft letter for the panellists) for the panellists and when would you like to have the presentation slides?

Best regards,

Datasamordnare för samhällsvetenskap
Svensk Nationell Datatjänst ( Swedish National Data Service)
Besöksadress: Bohusgatan 15 Göteborg
Box 330, 405 30 Göteborg
ilze.lace at snd.gu.se<mailto:ilze.lace at snd.gu.se>

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