[Serscida-wp6] DM - Agenda version 22 May & Travel info

Lejla Somun-Krupalija lsk at hrc.unsa.ba
Fri May 23 15:12:54 CEST 2014

Dear Irena and  All,


Thank you for your pertinent comments on the Agenda, these have been
included (I also changed some text we earlier had in local langauge into


Saša is moderating the whole morning session and the other Saša, i.e.
Aleksandar is note taker for the entire morning session, so both of them
will cover the key note speaker J


We will have Centre staff who will help with microphones, but thank you for
offering to help!


It would be great to get your panellists' presentations before Monday, as
well as their CVs or a paragraph on how we need to introduce them (I think
Sasa mentioned something about that in the instruction for panellists).


I hope you are better Irena and I wish you and everyone a good weekend!


All the best,





From: serscida-wp6-bounces at mjesec.ffzg.hr
[mailto:serscida-wp6-bounces at mjesec.ffzg.hr] On Behalf Of Vipavc Brvar,
Sent: Thursday, May 22, 2014 11:05 PM
To: serscida-wp6 at mjesec.ffzg.hr
Subject: Re: [Serscida-wp6] DM - Agenda version 22 May & Travel info


Dear Lejla, Saša

Please find attached documents with my comments (some small changes in names
etc.). If reads wird to have more info on our two representatives than for
others, so I would suggest we keep it the same. 

I would also like to ask Saša to moderate Louise presentation?! Or how will
we do that. We need someone that will introduce her and then moderate
questions. I can help with going around with microphone if we will have one
- for questions from participants. Could you Aleksander also make some notes
on her presentation and discussion?

I asked my panellists to try to prepare (and send) presentation tomorrow. I
already have CV of some but not all. And should get that tomorrow as well.

Regards, Irena


Od: serscida-wp6-bounces at mjesec.ffzg.hr
[serscida-wp6-bounces at mjesec.ffzg.hr] v imenu Lejla Somun-Krupalija
[lsk at hrc.unsa.ba]
Poslano: 22. maj 2014 15:34
Za: serscida-wp6 at mjesec.ffzg.hr
Zadeva: [Serscida-wp6] DM - Agenda version 22 May & Travel info

Dear colleagues,


Agenda - Please find the updated versions of the agenda for the
Dissemination Meeting, in two language versions.

I would like to ask you to pay attention to the following:

   -order of panellists in each Round Table

    -institution names of panellists - let me know if these are the correct

    Please note that I have not used titles for any of the speakers, because
I do not know them for all of them and it saves space on the agenda.
However, the moderators will have to have this information and should
introduce the speakers and panellists with their full titles.

    Sasa is also going to have a presentation in the Research Round Table,
so the moderation is left to Alen and Aleksandar.

    Aleksandar has volunteered to do the notes from the morning session and
I am doing them for the Round Table on Policy. Alen and Aleksdandar need to
agree on this for their Round Table.

    We will be sending the agenda to all who have confirmed participation.
We still have time till Mon 22 May 17.00 to make changes, so please send
them by then!


Travel info - Please feel free to distribute it with your panellists.


Conference Materials - We plan to print the agenda on both sides of the
paper in two languages and apart from some pens and paper this is all that
we have in terms of Conference materials. The deliverables should be online
on the web, please Marijana can you check with Alen if he can upload them.
Thank you. We should have wifi in the hotel and should plan to use the
deliverables from our web page during our presentation in the morning!


All the best,





From: serscida-wp6-bounces at mjesec.ffzg.hr
[mailto:serscida-wp6-bounces at mjesec.ffzg.hr] On Behalf Of Lejla
Sent: Wednesday, May 21, 2014 7:56 PM
To: serscida-wp6 at mjesec.ffzg.hr
Subject: Re: [Serscida-wp6] FW: [SERSCIDA] SERSCIDA Skype meeting reminder -
Tue 6th May at 13.30 CET


Dear colleagues,


Attached are revised versions of Agenda for DM in English and local
languages, as well as the notes from our meeting today.


Thank you in advance for all changes and suggestions.


Please have a look at the Agenda list of panellists and suggest changes in
order, if you deem necessary. Please also check for highlights which are
parts where I need your feedback.


Another big please is for the reminder for presentations from our
panellists, the deadline was yesterday and we have still not received any.


All the best,





From: serscida-wp6-bounces at mjesec.ffzg.hr
[mailto:serscida-wp6-bounces at mjesec.ffzg.hr] On Behalf Of Lejla
Sent: Tuesday, May 20, 2014 8:20 PM
To: serscida-wp6 at mjesec.ffzg.hr
Subject: [Serscida-wp6] FW: [SERSCIDA] SERSCIDA Skype meeting reminder - Tue
6th May at 13.30 CET


Dear colleagues,


This is just a reminder we are meeting on Skype tomorrow, Wednesday 21 May
at 13.00 CET.


Attached is a revised Agenda in local languages and we will complete the
English one after the meeting and other comments.


Please have a look at the action points from the last meeting and be
prepared to report on the progress.


All the best,




From: Lejla Somun-Krupalija [mailto:lsk at hrc.unsa.ba] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 06, 2014 6:27 PM
To: lsk at hrc.unsa.ba; serscida at mjesec.ffzg.hr
Subject: RE: [SERSCIDA] SERSCIDA Skype meeting reminder - Tue 6th May at
13.30 CET


Dear colleagues,


Thank you for today's meeting. Please find attached the notes with bolded
names for action points.

Doodle for next meeting is here  <http://doodle.com/eepp6zqeguqe3c3p>


All the best,



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