[SocInfo] Novo objavljeni radovi o HIV/AIDS-u
Aleksandar Stulhofer
astulhof at ffzg.hr
Sri Tra 25 13:11:10 CEST 2007
Pocetkom ove godine izasao je suplement casopisa
Coll. Antropologicum u kojem su izasla tri moja rada:
- (2006) „HIV/AIDS and Croatian Migrant Workers“
/Co-authored with P. Brouillard, N. Nikoli and N.
Greiner/. Collegium antropologicum 30 (Suppl. 2): 105-114.
- (2006) „Patterns of Sexual Bahaviour and
Reported Symptoms of STI/RTIs Among Young People
in Croatia – Implications for Interventions'
Planning“ /Co-authored with I. Bo i evi , D.
Ajdukovi and K. Kufrin/. Collegium antropologicum 30 (Suppl. 2): 63-70.
- (2006) „Condom Use and Its Consistency Among
Metropolitan High-School Students in Croatia,
1997-2001: Has Anything Changed?“ /Co-authored
with V. Hiršl-He ej/. Collegium antropologicum 30 (Suppl. 2): 71-78.
Full text verziju tih radova mozete pronaci na
mojoj stranici: www.ffzg.hr/socio/astulhof/radovi.htm
Aleksandar Stulhofer, Ph.D.
Professor of Sociology
Dept. of Sociology
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
University of Zagreb
I. Lucica 3, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia
phone: +385 1 612 0007
fax: +385 1 615 6879
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