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Rezultati pretraživanja

Broj rezultata: 2

Autor:Vesna, Malez
Naslov:The findings of the bird remains of the Vučedol Site
Matična publikacija:Opuscula archaeologica 19,str.27-32,1995
Impresum:Zagreb : Arheološki zavod Filozofskog fakulteta, 1995.
Ključne riječi:otpadne jame * koštani materijal-ptice * guska * patka * sivi ždral
Vrsta građe:Članak
Knjižnica:Zbirka germanistike

Autor:Vesna, Malez
Naslov:The findings of the bird remains of the Vučedol Site
Matična publikacija:Opuscula archaeologica / Vol. 19, str. 27-32
Impresum:Zagreb : Arheološki zavod Filozofskog fakulteta, 1995
Napomena:Summary: 19, str. 27-32
Sažetak:From several waste holes of the Vučedol site the skeletal bird remains have been collected. Although the bony material is not rich (21 bones), five families with seven genera and seven species have been determined. The inhabitants of Vučedol hunted these bird species - Anser fabalis, Anser sp., Anas platyrhynchos, Aythya ferina and Grus grus, because of tasteful meat, and thus they supplied deficiency in their diet.
Ključne riječi:otpadne jame * koštani materijal-ptice * guska * patka * sivi ždral
SignaturaX, C 7
Vrsta građe:Članak
Knjižnica:Zbirka arheologije

Upit: UncontrolledTerms_swish=(guska )
