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The screen will briefly display 3 rows containing digits.
After a while, an arrow will also appear showing which row you need to remember.
For some stimuli, this arrow will not appear. You will only find out the row you need to enter when entering your answer - it will be marked in red.
After the delay period, the Answer panel will appear where you need to enter the content of the requested row.
You must enter any non-empty value before moving on to the next task.
As the demo mode is on, the correct solution will be displayed in each task.
Maximize a window (page) before starting the task. You must not resize the screen during the task.
Application settings:
Paradigm type:100% Partial report50% Partial reportAll stimuli are displayed with an arrow in the delay period.
The number of stimuli in the task:
Type of alphanumeric characters:DigitsLetters-lowercaseLetters-UPPERCASEAll digits and letters
Number of of alphanumeric characters in each row:For digits the allowed range is 1..6. Otherwise: 1..18
Task type - scoring type:Characters within the required row must be remembered, but not the position of the character within the rowUser must remember characters and characters position within row: LEFT-to-RIGHT directionUser must remember characters and characters position within row: RIGHT-to-LEFT direction
Select Font Family:This is a text example for the selected font. Test here if your browser supports the selected Font Family.
Arrow position:leftrightleft and rightArrows indicating which row to remember appear on the right side of the screen.
Maximum number of new stimuli generated within the same item:If you set this setting greater than 1, when the user clicks the "Repeat" button, a NEW stimulus will be generated for the same item. It can be useful, for very short stimuli that the user has failed to notice.
Frame rate is produced by a combination of your graphics card and your processor, so it is essentially the number of frames a system is able to produce in a second, whereas refresh rate is the rate at which a monitor is able to completely refresh its display.
Delay time before show each stimulus (ms):Stimuli are prepared in memory during this period. So leave this period longer, especially for very short stimulus displays.
Duration of main stimulus (digits or letters) - ms:
Arrow delay time (ms):The time between the disappearance of the alphanumeric characters and the start of the arrow display
If the Arrow delay time = 0, then the duration of the arrow is longer and is calculated as follows: Arrow duration = Arrow duration + Duration of main stimulus (digits or letters).
Arrow duration (ms):
Delay time after show arrows (ms):
Enable backward - display the button for the previous item:Yes
Missing values are allowed:Missing values are allowed. The user does not have to enter a value.
Progress bar is visible:Progress bar will show the number of the current item and the number of remaining items until the end of the task.
Show solution of each task (demo):No
Colors. Note: if you change the default colors, synchronize the colors.
Background color during task:
Fill color for alphanumeric characters (and arrows):
Storage (useful for group research):
Storage:NoYesThis web application will not store results within your web browser. Data is lost when the browser tab is closed
There are no saved results in your web browser.
Your browser probably doesn't have support for the Web Storage Object or access to the Storage Object is disabled. Check your browser settings. In some browsers (example: IE11) Storage Object is not enabled when accessed in a local file (offline).
Latest research
Select data:Results by itemsDescriptive statistics
Arrow = Yes. The arrow is displayed during the delay period (and when entering the answer).
Arrow = No. The arrow is displayed only at the end when entering the answer.
All Standard deviations are calculated with Bessel's correction (n-1).
mean = Arithmetic mean for all non-missing items.
sd = Sample Standard deviation for all non-missing items.
mean-arrow = Arithmetic mean for all non-missing items with arrow. Only for Paradigm type: 50% Partial report.
sd-arrow = Sample Standard deviation for all non-missing items with arrow. Only for Paradigm type: 50% Partial report.
mean-no-arrow = Arithmetic mean for all non-missing items without arrow. Only for Paradigm type: 50% Partial report.
sd-no-arrow = Sample Standard deviation for all non-missing items without arrow. Only for Paradigm type: 50% Partial report.
repeat-max = Maximum allowed number of new stimulus generation within the same item.
repeat-count = Total number of clicks on the Repeat button in the entire task.
The other columns (options) generally follow the order of options in a top-down direction.
Frame rate. Frame rate (expressed in frames per second or FPS) is the frequency at which consecutive images (frames) are captured or displayed. More information: here. The minimum stimulus display time is the same as the time required to refresh the screen. The higher the refresh rate of the used OS (browser), this time is less.
Real times are probably higher than user-set times because hardware (and OS) latency needs to be added.
However, if this task is run under controlled conditions, this delay is constant within all measurements. Therefore, do not minimize the browser during the task. For the same reason, it is not allowed to resize the screen during the execution of the task.
? =
Enter the content for the middle row.
You must enter any non-blank answer. Try to guess.
You must not resize the screen during the task. The task is aborted. Click the Repeat button to restart the task.
Results by items:
For each stimulus: 1 point is added for each correctly entered alphanumeric character within the target row.
Descriptive statistics: