Here you can configure application settings: 

This is the task of following the path (trajectory). A red circle will be displayed at the beginning of the task. Click on this red circle. A white path will appear on the screen and a blue circle at the opposite end of the path.

Your task is to get to the blue circle as fast as you can. You do not have to hold down the mouse button while moving. As soon as you reach the blue circle, the task will be completed.

The only condition: you must not leave the white path with the mouse pointer. If the mouse pointer leaves the white path while moving, the path will disappear and everything starts all over again. You have to click on the red circle again and start again.

Important: maximize a window (page) before starting the task. You must not resize the screen during the task.

You must not resize the screen during the task. The task is aborted. Click the Repeat button to restart the task.

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