Here you can configure application settings: 

There will be large and small lines on the screen. Any even large line will be movable. Your task is to set all the large lines to be parallel. You move the lines using the "Left Arrow" or "Right Arrow" keys. If you press the "SHIFT" key at the same time, all movable lines will move faster (accelerator). If you press the "CTRL" key at the same time, the movable lines will move slower (decelerator - for very fine settings).

Movable lines can only be moved until the next fixed large line. Movable lines are initially set to the maximum position. You must then press the opposite key (arrow).

It is not allowed to return to the previous task.

As the demo mode is on, the ideal solution and error will be displayed in each task.

Maximize a window (page) before starting the task. You must not resize the screen during the task.

Results by items:



Inferential statistics - correlations:

Note: Ignore or at least very carefully use inferential statistics for small sample size. For an explanation of the terms used, see Options

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