[Serscida-wp6] Fw: Sarajevo Dissemination Meeting participants

Marijana Glavica mglavica at ffzg.hr
Wed May 14 10:43:31 CEST 2014

Dear all, 

Could you plese enter the arrival and departure dates for your
participants, ASAP! 

I realy need this information to enssure that everyone will have 
hotel room to stay in :)


In the meantime I did suggest hotel accomodation for participants
and entered this information in the Google spreadsheet.

It is not final and I am still listening to your preferences, so please
let me know if you have any, but again ASAP. Hotel accpmodation will
also depend on the availability of rooms for the next and previous days.

I will call hotels today right after our Skype meeting.


----- Forwarded message from Marijana Glavica <mglavica at ffzg.hr> -----

Date: Mon, 12 May 2014 14:23:18 +0200
From: Marijana Glavica <mglavica at ffzg.hr>
To: serscida-wp6 at mjesec.ffzg.hr
Subject: [Serscida-wp6] Sarajevo Dissemination Meeting participants
User-Agent: Mutt/1.5.20 (2009-06-14)

Dear all,

here is the link to Google Spreadsheet with the list of participants:


I did'nt suggest the hotel accomodaton for participants as I announced,
so please feel free to fill in your preferences.

It is important and URGENT to fill in your Arrival and Departure
dates, because for now hotel rooms are reserved just for two days.


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SERSCIDA-WP6 at mjesec.ffzg.hr

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