[Serscida-wp6] VB: Danielas files (some) for SERSCIDA konference

Ilze Lace ilze.lace at gu.se
Mon May 26 12:11:06 CEST 2014

Dear Lejla,

I am forwarding Danielas presentation for the policy round table and her picture as well as a question about CV. Would you like to have it in a particular template?I have already sent a short presentation of Daniela as a simple text, and her CV as of November 2013 is available in Örebro University home page, http://www.oru.se/PageFiles/11680/CV_DAndren_131129_.pdf.
Let me know, if there is anything else!

Best regards,

Datasamordnare för samhällsvetenskap

Svensk Nationell Datatjänst ( Swedish National Data Service)
Besöksadress: Bohusgatan 15 Göteborg
Box 330, 405 30 Göteborg
ilze.lace at snd.gu.se
Från: Daniela Andrén [Daniela.Andren at oru.se]
Skickat: den 26 maj 2014 11:40
Till: Ilze Lace
Ämne: Danielas files (some)

Dear organizers (and Ilze),

This message comes with two files that includes Daniela Andrén’s

1)    My PowerPoint presentation in pptx format

2)    Photo in jpg format

Given that you provide a template for the presentation, I’m wondering if you have a template for CV (as well)?

Regardless of providing a CV-template, Please, could you answer how “short” should be the CV?

Thank you,


Daniela Andrén, PhD

Associate professor (Docent)

Örebro University School of Business

SE - 701 82 Örebro, Sweden

Phone: +46-(0)19-30 35 71

Home Page: http://www.oru.se/hh/daniela_andren

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