[Koha] [DIGLIB] The Wild, Wild Wiki / Wiki Writing: Collaborative Learning inthe College Classroom

Marijana Glavica mglavica at ffzg.hr
Wed Jun 4 09:56:03 CEST 2008

On Wed, Jun 04, 2008 at 09:46:10AM +0200, Dorja Mucnjak wrote:
> jel bismo htjeli ovu knjigu?

zasto ne? :))

> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Gerry Mckiernan" 
> <gerrymck at iastate.edu>
> To: "<ifla-l at infoserv.inist.fr" <ifla-l at iastate.edu>;  
> <diglib at infoserv.inist.fr>; <univers at infoserv.inist.fr>;  
> <ifla-mm at lib.iastate.edu>
> Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2008 7:55 PM
> Subject: [DIGLIB] The Wild, Wild Wiki / Wiki Writing: Collaborative 
> Learning inthe College Classroom
>> Friends/
>> I've Made A Major (Re)Discovery Today That I Believe/Hope Will Be Of
>> Wide Interest.
>> /Gerry
>> The Wild, Wild Wiki / Wiki Writing: Collaborative Learning in the
>> College Classroom
>> The Wild, Wild Wiki
>> Table of Contents
>> Volume Preface
>> Robert E. Cummings, Columbus State University, and Matt Barton, St.
>> Cloud State University
>> Volume Introduction
>> *WhatWas a Wiki, and Why Do I Care? A Short and Usable History of
>> Wikis*/ Robert E. Cummings, Columbus State University / 18 pages
>> Wikis and the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
>> Chapter 1: *Wikis in the Classroom: A Taxonomy* / Mark Phillipson,
>> Columbia University / 42 pages
>> Chapter 2: *Wiki Justice, Social Ergonomics, and Ethical
>> Collaborations* / Jonah Bossewitch, Columbia University ; John
>> Frankfurt, Columbia University ; Alexander Sherman, Civic Consulting
>> Alliance ; Robin D.G. Kelley, Columbia University / 38 pages
>> Chapter 4: *Building Learning Communities with Wikis* / Dan
>> Gilbert, Stanford University ; Helen L. Chen, Stanford University ;
>> Jeremy Sabol, Stanford University / 28 pages
>> Chapter 5: *Content and Commentary: Parallel Structures of
>> Organization and Interaction on Wikis* / Will Lakeman, Independent
>> Scholar / 21 pages
>> Wikis in Composition and Communication
>> Chapter 3: *Disrupting Intellectual Property: Collaboration and
>> Resistance in Wikis* / Stephanie Vie, Fort Lewis College ; Jennifer
>> deWinter, University of Arizona / 19 pages
>> Chapter 9: *Wiki Lore and Politics in the Classroom* / Cathlena
>> Martin, University of Florida Lisa Dusenberry, University of Florida /
>> 16 pages
>> Chapter 10: *An (Old) First-Timer's Learning Curve: Curiosity, Trial,
>> Resistance, and Accommodation* / Bob Whipple, Creighton University /
>> 15 pages
>> Chapter 12: *Above and Below the Double Line: Refactoring and that
>> Old-Time Revision* / Michael C Morgan, Bemidji State University / 17
>> pages
>> Chapter 13: *Success Through Simplicity: On Developmental Writing and
>> Community of Inquiry.* / John W. Maxwell, Simon Fraser University ;
>> Michael Felczak, Simon Fraser University / 20 pages
>> Chapter 14: *Wiki as Textshop: Constructing Knowledge in the
>> Electronic Classroom* / Thomas J. Nelson, University of Texas, Austin
>> / 10 pages
>> Wikis and the Higher Education Classroom
>> Chapter 6: *Is there a Wiki in this Class? Wikibooks and the Future
>> of Higher Education* / Matt Barton, St. Cloud State University / 23
>> pages
>> Chapter 7: *Agency and Accountability: The Paradoxes of Wiki
>> Discourse* / Daniel Caeton, University of California, Davis / 17
>> pages
>> Chapter 8: *One Wiki, Two Classrooms* / David Elfving, University
>> of Illinois, Chicago ; Ericka Menchen-Trevino, Northwestern University /
>> 10 pages
>> Chapter 15: *Glossa Technologia: Anatomy of a Wiki-Based Annotated
>> Bibliography* / Ben McCorkle, Ohio State University, Marion / 9 pages
>> Wiki Writing: Collaborative Learning in the College Classroom / Robert
>> Cummings and Matt Barton, Editors /
>> An indispensable and engaging guide to using wikis in the classroom
>> About the Book
>> "Wiki Writing will quickly become the standard resource for using wikis
>> in the classroom." / Jim Kalmbach, Illinois State University
>> When most people think of wikis, the first---and often the only---thing
>> that comes to mind is Wikipedia. Robert E. Cummings and Matt Barton, the
>> editors of Wiki Writing: Collaborative Learning in the College
>> Classroom, have assembled a collection of essays which challenges this
>> common misconception, providing an engaging and helpful array of
>> perspectives on the many pressing theoretical and practical issues that
>> wikis raise. Written in an accessible manner that will appeal to
>> specialists and novices alike, Wiki Writing draws on a wealth of
>> practical experiences to offer a series of detailed suggestions about
>> how educators can realize the potential of these new writing
>> environments.
>> Robert E. Cummings is Assistant Professor of English and Director of
>> First-year Composition at Columbus State University. He also serves as
>> the Writing Specialist for CSU's Quality Enhancement Plan, assisting
>> teachers across campus in their efforts to maximize student writing in
>> their curriculum.
>> Matt Barton is Assistant Professor at St. Cloud State University,
>> Department of English. He is an Assistant Editor of Kairos
>> [http://english.ttu.edu/Kairos/] and an Associate Editor of Kairosnews
>> [http://kairosnews.org/].
>> / 6 x 9 / 312 pgs. / 30 figures / 6 tables / ISBN 978-0-472-11671-3 /
>> $24.95 / Forthcoming /
>> Related Scholarship 2.0 Postings
>> ***Disruptive Scholarship
>> ***MediaCommons: A Digital Scholarly Network
>> ***Using Wikipedia to Reenvision the Term Paper
>> ***Wikipedia Writing
>> I am remain continuously/continually Greatly Interested in Wiki Writing
>> and would appreciate Any and All cites/sites to the Use of Wikis
>> for Composition/Writing/Instruction.
>> Please Post Recommendations as A Comment on the Blog Posting
>> The Posting With All Links and A Cool Graphic is available
>> [
>> http://scholarship20.blogspot.com/2008/06/wild-wild-wiki-wiki-wiki-writing.html
>> ]
>> OR
>> [ http://tinyurl.com/5x5ruy ]
>> Enjoy!!!
>> /Gerry
>> Gerry McKiernan
>> Associate Professor
>> Science and Technology Librarian
>> Iowa State University Library
>> Ames IA 50011
>> gerrymck at iastate.edu
>> There is Nothing More Powerful Than An Idea Whose Time Has Come
>> Victor Hugo
>> [ http://www.blogger.com/profile/09093368136660604490 ]
>> Iowa: Where the Tall Corn Flows and the (North)West Wind Blows
>> [ http://alternativeenergyblogs.blogspot.com/ ]
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