[Serscida-wp6] [SERSCIDA] SERSCIDA Skype meeting reminder - Tue 6th May at 13.30 CET

Beedham, Hilary M beedh at essex.ac.uk
Wed May 7 16:54:08 CEST 2014

Dear Lejla,

I've just checked the minutes for any actions on me and noticed that I'm recorded as sender of the invitations to countries visited during the PPP. I had thought that I was only dealing with the invitation to the Ukraine but would send the other names to those of you visiting or centrally issuing invitations.

If you do want me to send invitations to everyone on the list, please let me know but note that they won't be sent until next Monday at the earliest as I won't have time before leaving today and will be away from the office until next Monday.


From: serscida-bounces at mjesec.ffzg.hr [mailto:serscida-bounces at mjesec.ffzg.hr] On Behalf Of Lejla Somun-Krupalija
Sent: 06 May 2014 17:27
To: lsk at hrc.unsa.ba; serscida at mjesec.ffzg.hr
Subject: Re: [SERSCIDA] SERSCIDA Skype meeting reminder - Tue 6th May at 13.30 CET

Dear colleagues,

Thank you for today's meeting. Please find attached the notes with bolded names for action points.

Doodle for next meeting is here http://doodle.com/eepp6zqeguqe3c3p

All the best,

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