[Serscida-wp6] PPP contacts 2008 for SERSCIDA (2)

Ilze Lace ilze.lace at gu.se
Thu May 8 08:41:01 CEST 2014

Dear Hilary,
Dear Lejla,

Just a comment regarding the PPP contacts for Latvia.
Professor Aivars Tabuns in the contact list  is the most knowledgeable person regarding the data archives in Latvia. As far as I know there is now an initiative by a group of people involving him and Professor Inta Brikse, the dean of Faculty of Social Sciences in University of Latvia (inta.brikse at lu.lv)  to re-establishing a data archive and data services, so for them in this phase of development it would be very useful to see the achievements in SERSCIDA. On the other hand, there is always the question of funds and the potential benefits for the SERSCIDA project that should be considered.

Best regards,

Från: serscida-wp6-bounces at mjesec.ffzg.hr [mailto:serscida-wp6-bounces at mjesec.ffzg.hr] För Beedham, Hilary M
Skickat: den 7 maj 2014 16:07
Till: serscida-wp6 at mjesec.ffzg.hr
Ämne: [Serscida-wp6] PPP contacts 2008 for SERSCIDA (2)

Hi All,

Here is the promised list of contacts from the PPP. A couple of points to note:

the individuals whose names are underlined were involved in discussions about establishing a national social science archive during the PPP. I would suggest that these are the key folk to invite. Others on the list were known to have expressed interest but for a number of reasons, did not contribute directly into the PPP work;

for ease and speed, I've included countries outside the Balkans, I will leave it to the organisers to decide whether to invite representatives from these countries but would suggest that it would be great to do so (and a specific dissemination benefit) if funds allow;

I will contact the Ukraine separately, following on from the discussions I've already been party to.

I hope this is helpful,

Best wishes


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